The REST API enables us to run the entity system and control the entity system from an external source like a web user interface or any web services.

Entity System (Export / Import)

The whole entity system with all types and all instances.

Method URI Description Swag CPP ES
GET /entitysystem Exports the whole entity system Y N N
POST /entitysystem Imports the whole entity system Y N N
DELETE /entitysystem Clears the whole entity system Y N N

Entity Types

Multiple Entity Types

Method URI Description Swag CPP ES
GET /entities/types Lists all entity types Y N N
POST /entities/types Creates an entity type Y N N
DELETE /entities/types Deletes all entity types (and all entity instances) Y N N

Single Entity Type

Method URI Description Swag CPP ES
GET /entities/types/{uuid} Returns the entity type with the given UUID Y N N
POST /entities/types/{uuid} Creates (or updates if already exists) the entity type with the given UUID Y N N
DELETE /entities/types/{uuid} Deletes the entity type with the given UUID Y N N

Entity Type's Attributes

Method URI Description Swag CPP ES
GET /entities/types/{uuid}
Returns all attributes of the entity type with the given UUID Y N N
GET /entities/types/{uuid}
Returns the value of the named attribute of the entity type with the given UUID Y N N
POST /entities/types/{uuid}
Creates (or updates if already exists) the value of the named attribute of the given entity type with the given UUID Y N N
DELETE /entities/types/{uuid}
Deletes the named attribute of the entity type with the given UUID Y N N

Entity Type's Relationship Types

Method URI Description Swag CPP ES
GET /entities/types/{uuid}
Returns all incoming and outgoing relationship types of the entity type with the given UUID Y N N
GET /entities/types/{uuid}
Returns all incoming relationship types of the entity type with the given UUID Y N N
GET /entities/types/{uuid}
Returns all outgoing relationship types of the entity type with the given UUID Y N N

Entity Type's Instances

Method URI Description Swag CPP ES
GET /entities/types/{uuid}
Returns all entity instances of the entity type with the given UUID Y N N
DELETE /entities/types/{uuid}
Deletes all entity instances of the entity type with the given UUID Y N N

Relationship Types

Multiple Relationship Types

Method URI Description Swag CPP ES
GET /relationships/types Returns all relationship types Y N N
POST /relationships/types Creates an relationship type Y N N
DELETE /relationships/types Deletes all relationship types (and all relationship instances) Y N N

Single Relationship Type

Method URI Description Swag CPP ES
GET /relationships/types/{uuid} Returns the relationship type with the given UUID Y N N
POST /relationships/types/{uuid} Creates (or updates if already exists) the relationship type with the given UUID Y N N
DELETE /relationships/types/{uuid} Deletes the relationship type with the given UUID Y N N

Entity Instances

Multiple Entity Instances

Method URI Description Swag CPP ES
GET /entities/instances Returns all entity instances Y N N
POST /entities/instances Creates an entity instance Y N N
DELETE /entities/instances Deletes all entity instances Y N N

Single Entity Instance

Method URI Description Swag CPP ES
GET /entities/instances/{uuid} Returns the entity instance with the given UUID Y Y Y
POST /entities/instances/{uuid} Creates (or updates if already exists) the entity instance with the given UUID Y N N
DELETE /entities/instances/{uuid} Deletes the entity instance with the given UUID Y N N

Entity Instance's Attributes

Method URI Description Swag CPP ES
GET /entities/instances/{uuid}
Returns all attributes of the entity instance with the given UUID Y N N
GET /entities/instances/{uuid}
Returns the value of the named attribute of the entity instance with the given UUID Y N N
POST /entities/instances/{uuid}
Creates (or updates if already exists) the value of the named attribute of the entity instance with the given UUID Y N N
DELETE /entities/instances/{uuid}
Deletes the named attribute of the entity instance with the given UUID Y N N

Entity Instance's Relationship Instances

Method URI Description Swag CPP ES
GET /entities/instances/{uuid}
Returns all incoming and outgoing relationship instances of the entity instance with the given UUID Y N N
GET /entities/instances/{uuid}
Returns all incoming relationship instances of the entity instance with the given UUID Y N N
GET /entities/instances/{uuid} /relationships/outgoing Returns all outgoing relationship instances of the entity instance with the given UUID Y N N
GET /entities/instances/{uuid}
Returns all incoming and outgoing relationship instances of the given relationship type and the entity instance with the given UUID Y N N
GET /entities/instances/{uuid}
Returns all incoming relationship instances of the given relationship type and the entity instance with the given UUID Y N N
GET /entities/instances/{uuid}
Returns all outgoing relationship instances of the given relationship type and the entity instance with the given UUID Y N N

Relationship Instances

Multiple Relationship Instances

Method URI Description Swag CPP ES
GET /relationships/instances Returns all relationship instances Y N N
POST /relationships/instances Creates an relationship instance Y N N
DELETE /relationships/instances Deletes all relationship instances Y N N

Single Relationship Instance

Method URI Description Swag CPP ES
GET /relationships/instances/{uuid} Returns the relationship instance with the given UUID Y N N
POST /relationships/instances/{uuid} Creates (or updates if already exists) the relationship instance with the given UUID Y N N
DELETE /relationships/instances/{uuid} Deletes the relationship instance with the given UUID Y N N
GET /relationships/instances
Returns all relationships between a start node and an end node Y N N
DELETE /relationships/instances
Deletes all relationships between a start node and an end node Y N N

Features on attributes

A new requirement for the entity system is to have features on attributes.

Every attribute in the entity system can have named features with a boolean value. The feature may exist or not and can only be true or false. Features should be defined on type-level (Entity-Type or Relationship-Type) and can be overwritten on instance-level (Entity-Instance or Relationship-Instance).

Extended datastructure of entity system attributes

Property Name Datatype Description
uuid string The UUID of the attribute
name string The name of the attribute
datatype enum The data type of the attribute
value ? The default value (entity type, relationship type) or the value (entity instance, relationship instance)
features map<string, bool> The features are stored as a map, where the feature-name is the key (new)

List of possible / planned features

Feature Name Description
INPUT The attribute is an input and can be set by the visual scripting.
OUTPUT The attribute is an output and can be used as source data by the visual scripting.
SYNC_SERVER The attribute have to be synchronized to the game server.
SYNC_BROADCAST_CLIENTS The attribute have to be synchronized to the other clients connected to the game server.
CONFIGURABLE The attribute is a configuration option. This can be used to specify configuration options of an entity system instance system (ESIS) like a map (number_of_bases), gamemode (needed_scores_to_win), prefab (grid_size_scale), game server logic (max_players) or other systems. Goal is to make it possible to load an ESIS and then initialize the system from config file, database or other config sources.