
This page is a feature - something someone had thought of and wants to implement into Inexor. You can help with your knowledge and skills to make this happen!

Status: idea

Branches Issues Main developers
cef_fixex_prepr ? @aschaeffer

The new user interface requires a redesign of the keyboard and mouse handling.

Keyboard input Handling

Handling of key press and key release events (Binds)

Binds are managed in the C++ code. The mouse buttons and the mouse wheel are handled as normal keys also.

Input layer bit mask

The bit mask describes for which layers are affected by the key bind. The bits can be combined which means a bind affects multiple layers. If a key is pressed, it is checked if the bind affects the current layer.

Bit Input Layer
Bit 0 GameLayer
Bit 1 HudLayer
Bit 2 AppLayer
Bit 3 ChatLayer
Bit 4 G3DLayer

Though the HudLayer is a valid input layer, it doesn't receive any input (neither key nor mouse input).

The sub input layer bit mask for the GameLayer

The game layer has a sub bit mask.

Bit Input Sub layer
Bit 0 Playing
Bit 1 Spectating
Bit 2 Editing

Bind mask

It shouldn't be able to bind all keys on all layers. In order to prevent useless or conflicting key/bitmask bindings, we're using a bind mask like shown in the table below. The X indicates if a key can be bind with the given bit.

Key 0 1 2 3
A-Z x
a-z x
0-9 x
!"ยง$%&/()=? x
MOUSE1-3 x x x
ESC x x x
F1-F12 x x x

Important binds / examples

Key Action 0 1 2 3 Remark
W Forward x
A Left x
S Backward x
D Right x
MOUSE 1 Shot x
MOUSE 2 WeaponChange x
ESC OpenAppLayer x Open AppLayer, Change location to main menu
ESC CloseAppLayer x
T OpenChatLayer x x
ESC CloseChatLayer x
F1 OpenServerBr. x0 When playing, open AppLayer, Change location to server browser
F3 OpenTextureBr. x2 When editing, open AppLayer, Change location to texture browser
F4 OpenModelBr. x2 When editing, open AppLayer, Change location to model browser
MWHEEL 1 WeaponChange x0
MWHEEL 2 WeaponChange x0
MWHEEL 1 x2 Different actions in combination with other key modifiers
MWHEEL 2 x2 Different actions in combination with other key modifiers
MWHEEL 1 ScrollConsole x Scroll console up
MWHEEL 2 ScrollConsole x Scroll console down

Handling of text input

If no bind (key+bitmask) has matched, the key input is handled as text input. Text input is forwarded to the target layer as shown in the table below:

GameLayer AppLayer ChatLayer Target
active inactive inactive Ignore
* active inactive AppLayer
* * active ChatLayer

Mouse input handling

If no bind (key+bitmask) has matched, the key input is handled as text input. Text input is forwarded to the target layer as shown in the table below:

Mouse input GameLayer AppLayer ChatLayer Target Remarks
Mouse X / Y active inactive inactive GameLayer Rotates the player
Mouse X / Y * active inactive AppLayer Move the mouse in the UI
Mouse X / Y * * active Ignore No mouse input in chat
Mousewheel U / D active inactive inactive GameLayer Binds
Mousewheel U / D * active inactive AppLayer Mouse wheel in the UI
Mousewheel U / D * * active ChatLayer Binds

Converting SDL2 key codes to Browser/JavaScript key codes

  • https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_Keycode
  • http://unixpapa.com/js/key.html
  • https://www.mediaevent.de/javascript/Extras-Javascript-Keycodes.html
  • https://jeffkayser.com/projects/keyboard-keycodes-and-charcodes-in-javascript/index.html
  • http://www.asquare.net/javascript/tests/KeyCode.html