Entity System
This article talks about the general concepts of the entity-system.
If you would like to see the exhaustive list of entities covered by the entity-system, have a look below:
Entity System Type System (ESTS)
An entity system type system is a set of entity types and relationship types which defines a connected graph of types.
Type System Data Model
Property | Data type | Description | Example |
uuid | string | The UUID of the type system | |
name | string | The name of the type system | teleport-system |
dependencies | vector\<string\> | The type system depends on other type systems | [ 'uuid_other_type_system_1', 'uuid_other_type_system_2' ] |
entity_types | vector\<EntityType\> | The list of entity types and their attributes | [{ name: 'TELEPORT', attributes: [] }, { name: 'TELEDEST', attributes: [] }] |
relationship_types | vector\<RelationshipType\> | The list of relationship types and their attributes | [{ name: 'TELEPORTS_TO', start_node_type: 'TELEPORT', end_node_type: 'TELEDEST', attributes: [] }] |
List of Entity Type Systems
This table demonstrates the dependencies of the type systems.
Type System Name | Depends on | Description | Entity Types (excerpt) | Relationship Types (excerpt) |
Player | - | The mechanics of a player | PLAYER | - |
Team | Player | A team | TEAM | IS_MEMBER_OF |
Octree | - | The data structure of the world geometry | OCTREE | - |
Texture | - | The textures and a set of texture transformations | TEXTURE, TEXTURE_BLEND | - |
World | Octree, Texture | The textured world geometry | WORLD | HAS_OCTREE_ROOT |
CameraBase | - | Basic camera without any dynamics | FIXED_POSITION_CAMERA | - |
FirstPersonCamera | Player, CameraBase | The camera looks in first person perspective of a player | FIRST_PERSON_CAMERA | - |
ThirdPersonCamera | Player, CameraBase | The camera looks on the player from behind | THIRD_PERSON_CAMERA | CAMERA_FOLLOWS_PLAYER |
PickupBase | Player | The basic pickup system | PICKUP | PICKED_UP |
Health | PickupBase | The health system | PICKUP_HEALTH | - |
RailBase | - | The basic rail system | RAIL_START, RAIL_END, RAIL_CHECKPOINT | - |
RailCamera | RailBase, CameraBase | Moves a camera along a rail | RAIL_CAMERA | CAMERA_FOLLOWS_RAIL |
Teleport System | Player | Teleports players to teledests | TELEPORT, TELEDEST | TELEPORTS_TO |
FirstPersonShooter GameModeBase | Player, FirstPersonCamera, ThirdPersonCamera, Ammo, ... | (has no own entities) | - | |
Capture GameModeBase | FirstPersonShooter GameModeBase, CaptureBase, Pistol, Shotgun, ... | (has no own entities) | - | |
CaptureTheFlag GameModeBase | FirstPersonShooter GameModeBase, Team | FLAG | FLAG_CAPTURED_BY |
Entity System Instance System (ESIS)
An entity system instance system is a predefined set of entity instances and connectors which are glued together and provides a sub system.
An instance system can be used multiple times within a map or gamemode. For example you can place multiple teleporter-teleportsto-teledest combinations with collision detection with a player and position update of the player. Each created entity instance and relationship instance will get a randomly generated UUID.
Property | Data type | Description | Example |
uuid | string | The UUID of the entity system instance system | |
name | string | The name of the entity system instance system | teleporter-with-three-teledests |
depends_on_type_systems | vector\<uuid_type_system\> | The instance system depends on one or multiple type systems | teleport-system |
entity-instances | vector\<EntityInstance\> | The entity instances | [ { a teleporter }, {first teledest}, {second teledest}, {third teledest} ] |
relation-instances | vector\<RelationInstance\> | The relation instances | [ { teleporter teleportsto first teledest }, {teleporter teleportsto second teledest}, {teleporter teleportsto third teledest} ] |
connectors | vector\<Connector\> | The visual scripting automation | [ collision, activation, ... ] |
Execution, i.e. the graph over time
The proposed system makes no difference between entities /relations defining logic and entities/relations defining state.
- Attributes
- value
- DataType: bool
- Features:
- value
Entity Type AND
- Attributes
- input1
- DataType: bool
- Features:
- input2
- DataType: bool
- Features:
- result
- DataType: bool
- Features:
- input1
Entity Type LIGHT
- Attributes
- rgb
- DataType: vec3
- Features:
- active
- DataType: bool
- Features:
- rgb
Enity Instance RANDOM_BOOL_1
- value: false RANDOM_BOOL_2
- value: false AND_1
- input1: false
- input2: false
- result: false LIGHT_1
- rgb: (255, 255, 255)
- active: false
CONNECTOR RANDOM_BOOL_1::value ---> AND_1::input1 RANDOM_BOOL_2::value ---> AND_1::input2 AND_1::result ---> LIGHT_1::active
The execution of the graph is simply put:
- Start from "system external spawners", like timers. input"
- execute the logic in the entity
- find the entities connected with the output
- go on with the connected ones
- Simulation steps must be kept -> throttle entry entities
- Output entities must/can be buffered
builder is typeless factories are wrappers around the builder to ensure type safety
Reqs for reactive framework
- maintained sein / laaintained sein / laufenmm (ignoring any logic on the relations)
In most sense, the entity-system proposal is a scripting language. The problm it tries to solve is safe execution. I.e. code which is safe to be executed despite distrust of the author.
Definition: Logic is the fundamental process to create state from state.
Access to the graph
- Questions:
- does each system walk the graph individually?
- Or is the visitor (anti-)pattern used?
- Are there dirty parts of the graph?
- Some parts are cached seperately (or committed just in certain intervals)
Who is accessing?
- Rendering System
- Texture Generation System
- Gamerun System
- Frontend for this will be the Visual Scripting System
- These game logic entities are solely optional to the world!
- all other systems work without this data
- data can be part of an entity (input/output)
- where is state stored here? nowhere?
- state is transistive
- entered in an entry-point (e.g a textureload-entity) and transformed till this entity's input
- to retain the state, the path must be followed, then cached.
- relations are not optional
- entered in an entry-point (e.g a textureload-entity) and transformed till this entity's input
- state can also be attached to an entity (e.g. config values)
- state is transistive
- all other systems work without this data
- Editing System? Or is this Gamerun as well?
- Physics
- Exporter System
- Synchro / Network
- Persistence
- Live Code Editing?
fastflow pipelines can do the state transistion
Q: how to combine pipelines with caching?
How to access?
A) each system walks the graph individually:
List EntityInstance TextureSlot textureSlots = EntitySystem::getEntitiesOfType("TEXTURE_SLOT");
bytearray[] data = textureSlot1.getByteArrayAttribute("diffuse_map_data");
- each system only processes stuff it does not discard Con:
- one needs to attach for each entity / each entity type, which systems are interested in it Q:
- is this cache unfriendly? is memory(systems-logic + systems-internal-vars) memory(discarded data)?
B) via an event system (attribute of an entity instance has changed):
EntitySystem::watchChanges(textureSlot1, "diffuse_map_data");
Q: How do cascading changes get spawned? Af
C) via a visitor we walkt the graph one time per time unit, systems interested in a particular node get called upon visit. Interest can be signaled via "tags". tags can have parents (i.e. texture-synchronized)?
fastflow pipeline chunks together with an event loop (like reactx cpp or boost asio): every x ms the dirty pipeline chunks get recommitted. Each pipeline can mean different systems creating different output values from different input. A system creating a new output invalidates the old output, i.e. making it dirty. The execution starts on entry points triggered by the event loop.
Q: how to exploit locality here?
Draft when
Processors declare input/output entity types. the output is optional == they can be relations processor vs relation: relation is an instance of a processor for a specific input/output entity.
Q: is a relation the interface for multiple processors? so all associated processors run?
- one relation implies multiple logical operations - loose coupling between relation instance and applied operation Option A: make processors search for relations and operate all of them the same. multiple operations in different processors for the same entity produce the same output?
- add
map relation, specific_thing_to_do
Modules have different processes, have different entity-components
Reactive Scheduling
A scheduling based on reaktive frameworks:
- specify pipelines (this data will be used by this afterwards) (via fastflow?)
- specify distribution in time of these pipelines using rx
rangev3 good for: you have data in layout x, make it so it is in layout y lazily. (i.e. for dealing with stream input/outputs)
Concurrency ABC: PCAM - Partition, Communication, Agglomeration, and Mapping