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Entity System

This article talks about the general concepts of the entity-system.

If you would like to see the exhaustive list of entities covered by the entity-system, have a look below:

Entity System Type System (ESTS)

An entity system type system is a set of entity types and relationship types which defines a connected graph of types.

Type System Data Model

Property Data type Description Example
uuid string The UUID of the type system
name string The name of the type system teleport-system
dependencies vector\<string\> The type system depends on other type systems [ 'uuid_other_type_system_1', 'uuid_other_type_system_2' ]
entity_types vector\<EntityType\> The list of entity types and their attributes [{ name: 'TELEPORT', attributes: [] }, { name: 'TELEDEST', attributes: [] }]
relationship_types vector\<RelationshipType\> The list of relationship types and their attributes [{ name: 'TELEPORTS_TO', start_node_type: 'TELEPORT', end_node_type: 'TELEDEST', attributes: [] }]

List of Entity Type Systems

This table demonstrates the dependencies of the type systems.

Type System Name Depends on Description Entity Types (excerpt) Relationship Types (excerpt)
Player - The mechanics of a player PLAYER -
Team Player A team TEAM IS_MEMBER_OF
Octree - The data structure of the world geometry OCTREE -
Texture - The textures and a set of texture transformations TEXTURE, TEXTURE_BLEND -
World Octree, Texture The textured world geometry WORLD HAS_OCTREE_ROOT
CameraBase - Basic camera without any dynamics FIXED_POSITION_CAMERA -
FirstPersonCamera Player, CameraBase The camera looks in first person perspective of a player FIRST_PERSON_CAMERA -
ThirdPersonCamera Player, CameraBase The camera looks on the player from behind THIRD_PERSON_CAMERA CAMERA_FOLLOWS_PLAYER
PickupBase Player The basic pickup system PICKUP PICKED_UP
Health PickupBase The health system PICKUP_HEALTH -
RailBase - The basic rail system RAIL_START, RAIL_END, RAIL_CHECKPOINT -
RailCamera RailBase, CameraBase Moves a camera along a rail RAIL_CAMERA CAMERA_FOLLOWS_RAIL
Teleport System Player Teleports players to teledests TELEPORT, TELEDEST TELEPORTS_TO
Player, FirstPersonCamera, ThirdPersonCamera, Ammo, ... (has no own entities) -
  GameModeBase, CaptureBase, Pistol, Shotgun, ...
(has no own entities) -
  GameModeBase, Team

Entity System Instance System (ESIS)

An entity system instance system is a predefined set of entity instances and connectors which are glued together and provides a sub system.

An instance system can be used multiple times within a map or gamemode. For example you can place multiple teleporter-teleportsto-teledest combinations with collision detection with a player and position update of the player. Each created entity instance and relationship instance will get a randomly generated UUID.

Property Data type Description Example
uuid string The UUID of the entity system instance system
name string The name of the entity system instance system teleporter-with-three-teledests
depends_on_type_systems vector\<uuid_type_system\> The instance system depends on one or multiple type systems teleport-system
entity-instances vector\<EntityInstance\> The entity instances [ { a teleporter }, {first teledest}, {second teledest}, {third teledest} ]
relation-instances vector\<RelationInstance\> The relation instances [ { teleporter teleportsto first teledest }, {teleporter teleportsto second teledest}, {teleporter teleportsto third teledest} ]
connectors vector\<Connector\> The visual scripting automation [ collision, activation, ... ]

Execution, i.e. the graph over time

The proposed system makes no difference between entities /relations defining logic and entities/relations defining state.


  • Attributes
    • value
      • DataType: bool
      • Features:
        • OUTPUT

Entity Type AND

  • Attributes
    • input1
      • DataType: bool
      • Features:
        • INPUT
    • input2
      • DataType: bool
      • Features:
        • INPUT
    • result
      • DataType: bool
      • Features:
        • OUTPUT

Entity Type LIGHT

  • Attributes
    • rgb
      • DataType: vec3
      • Features:
        • INPUT
    • active
      • DataType: bool
      • Features:
        • INPUT

Enity Instance RANDOM_BOOL_1

  • value: false RANDOM_BOOL_2
  • value: false AND_1
  • input1: false
  • input2: false
  • result: false LIGHT_1
  • rgb: (255, 255, 255)
  • active: false

CONNECTOR RANDOM_BOOL_1::value ---> AND_1::input1 RANDOM_BOOL_2::value ---> AND_1::input2 AND_1::result ---> LIGHT_1::active

The execution of the graph is simply put:

  1. Start from "system external spawners", like timers. input"
  2. execute the logic in the entity
  3. find the entities connected with the output
  4. go on with the connected ones

  1. Simulation steps must be kept -> throttle entry entities
  2. Output entities must/can be buffered

builder is typeless factories are wrappers around the builder to ensure type safety

Reqs for reactive framework

  1. maintained sein / laaintained sein / laufenmm (ignoring any logic on the relations)

In most sense, the entity-system proposal is a scripting language. The problm it tries to solve is safe execution. I.e. code which is safe to be executed despite distrust of the author.

Definition: Logic is the fundamental process to create state from state.

Access to the graph

  • Questions:
    • does each system walk the graph individually?
    • Or is the visitor (anti-)pattern used?
    • Are there dirty parts of the graph?
    • Some parts are cached seperately (or committed just in certain intervals)

Who is accessing?

  • Rendering System
  • Texture Generation System
  • Gamerun System
    • Frontend for this will be the Visual Scripting System
    • These game logic entities are solely optional to the world!
      • all other systems work without this data
        • data can be part of an entity (input/output)
        • where is state stored here? nowhere?
          • state is transistive
            • entered in an entry-point (e.g a textureload-entity) and transformed till this entity's input
              • to retain the state, the path must be followed, then cached.
              • relations are not optional
          • state can also be attached to an entity (e.g. config values)
  • Editing System? Or is this Gamerun as well?
  • Physics
  • Exporter System
    • Synchro / Network
    • Persistence
    • Live Code Editing?

fastflow pipelines can do the state transistion

Q: how to combine pipelines with caching?

How to access?

A) each system walks the graph individually:

List EntityInstance TextureSlot textureSlots = EntitySystem::getEntitiesOfType("TEXTURE_SLOT");
bytearray[] data = textureSlot1.getByteArrayAttribute("diffuse_map_data");


  • each system only processes stuff it does not discard Con:
  • one needs to attach for each entity / each entity type, which systems are interested in it Q:
  • is this cache unfriendly? is memory(systems-logic + systems-internal-vars) memory(discarded data)?

B) via an event system (attribute of an entity instance has changed):

EntitySystem::watchChanges(textureSlot1, "diffuse_map_data");

Q: How do cascading changes get spawned? Af

C) via a visitor we walkt the graph one time per time unit, systems interested in a particular node get called upon visit. Interest can be signaled via "tags". tags can have parents (i.e. texture-synchronized)?


fastflow pipeline chunks together with an event loop (like reactx cpp or boost asio): every x ms the dirty pipeline chunks get recommitted. Each pipeline can mean different systems creating different output values from different input. A system creating a new output invalidates the old output, i.e. making it dirty. The execution starts on entry points triggered by the event loop.

Q: how to exploit locality here?

Draft when

Processors declare input/output entity types. the output is optional == they can be relations processor vs relation: relation is an instance of a processor for a specific input/output entity.

Q: is a relation the interface for multiple processors? so all associated processors run?

  • one relation implies multiple logical operations - loose coupling between relation instance and applied operation Option A: make processors search for relations and operate all of them the same. multiple operations in different processors for the same entity produce the same output?
  • add map relation, specific_thing_to_do somewhere

Modules have different processes, have different entity-components

Reactive Scheduling

A scheduling based on reaktive frameworks:

  • specify pipelines (this data will be used by this afterwards) (via fastflow?)
  • specify distribution in time of these pipelines using rx

rangev3 good for: you have data in layout x, make it so it is in layout y lazily. (i.e. for dealing with stream input/outputs)

Concurrency ABC: PCAM - Partition, Communication, Agglomeration, and Mapping